180 degrees has established a reputation as a builder that focuses on a level of quality in construction that sets us apart from other general contractors. MBT has proven to be a great fit with their like-minded efforts for unparalleled quality and service. It is the efforts of Marcus and his team that sets them apart in estimating, consulting and construction. We look forward to a long-lasting relationship with MBT.
Best, John Anderson, AIA 180 Degrees Inc. Phoenix, Arizona www.180degreesinc.com
MBT, Inc. has provided us with a variety of communication products and services for the past 8 years. Marcus and his staff are knowledgeable, experienced and professional. MBT has provided great value to Momentum Commercial for its voice and data communications networks.
E. J. Pospisil, CEO & Designated Broker Momentum Commercial Realestate/Development www.MomentumCRE.com
We have chosen MBT Inc's communications products and services. From Copper, Fiberoptic infrastructure to Technical voice servers, for the past 15 years. Marcus and his staff have been a great value to me and the entire SMMHC Inc. statewide communication networks.
Dave Waldron IT Director SMMHC, Inc. Superstition Mountain Mental Health Inc. of Arizona www.smmhc.org
MBT Inc. has been a value to us and our clients. Performing exceptionally well, on schedule, great craftsmanship and integrity, they are a credit to the local Electrical Industry.
Tom Pritscher Executive Vice President Intellicore Construction LLC www.intellicorellc.com
Licenses Arizona Registered Contractor
- L-67 ROC 154183
- K-11 ROC 220968